Good morning for Puerto Rico!

The day has finally come. No more waiting, no more anticipating, no more freezing in a Minnesota winter. Well technically that was yesterday when we left Minnesota and arrived in San Juan. Woke up this morning to absolutely perfect weather. Could not have asked for a better start to the day.
Spent some time at the Marriott before we ventured out to the pier. DW got some practice snorkeling in while I took in the sights. If you are looking for a nice, well maintained, convenient hotel, I highly recommend this one. Staff was fantastic and I could not have asked for better view.
Shortly after we checked out, we headed to the pier to finally see our home away from home for the next week. Took a cab from the hotel which was not bad. With tip we paid $34 for 4 of us and half the clothes we own. As we got to the pier, there she was the Freedom of the Sea. My brother and his wife got there first up close and personal looked of a cruise ship. Needless to say, they were impressed. As we arrived at the pier, I was alittle concerned based on the number of people around the terminal, but I soon found out it was not big deal. We arrived at about 1115 to 1130. After dropping out luggage with the porters, off we went. Took no time at all to get through registration and onto the ship. We made it on before Noon. Time to explore and figure out where everything was.
Our first stop, was to the Dining room to adjust our my time dining. On my previous cruises, I have enjoyed watching us leave ports of call and wanted to make this a priority. So we tweaked a few things and were set.
Off to the Promenade. As we go to the Promenade, all I can say is wow. Really that was all any of us could say. Having sailed Carnival in the past, I thought I new what to expect. I was wrong. The space was fantastic. It was nicely decorated for Christmas and convenient to move through. Plus it had everything I needed. Pizza and ice cream. We checked out a few more areas and then off to Windjammer for lunch.
Windjammer lived up to its name. It was jammed packed. Lots of people and may just as confused as I was on where to go or sit. But after a few elbows, a little blood and some tears shed, I told the 10 yr old little girl she could have the table if she would just leave me alone. But seriously, it was difficult to find a spot. Once we found our spot, I it was time to take advantage of our refreshment package. Pina Colada one of the day and two of the trip.
After lunch we made our way to our state rooms and to my suprise luggage started to show up. Stateroom was nice. Balcony was good size enough room for two chairs and a table. Could even have more if you wanted. Bathroom was small to say the least. And when I say small I mean small. I am not sure I am going to fit in the shower small. Found two whole outlets in the entire room. Completely missed bringing the multi plug. Such a rookie move. Also forgot a clock. Oops. After unpacking some of our stuff, off to more exploring and more Pina Coladas.

Sat in on the get to know Freedom show. Don't waste you time, more of just a recap of what you already know about the trio. The ports, the shopping and the decks. I did learn they will not make me walk the plank so that is a positive. Also had to watch the show with out my brother and his wife. Apparently his card magically chanced his photo to someone else, so he had to correct that.
Dinner was in the MDR this evening, where we met Dennis, the section Manager and our servers Royson and Placid. Very pleased with all. Dennis and I are going get great. It was impressive he remembered all of our names and he talked to every table. Chose the Calamari, fresh fruit, and Spicy Pork Chop for dinner. No dessert for me. I am watching my figure. But had two more Pina Coladas.
Back to our room to watch us set sail from the balcony. Absolutely breath taking exit to the port with the fort off the starboard side.
The showing this evening was well done. Unfortunately our comedian got sick before his show. But the aerial team did a great job. After the show it was back to the room to turn in for the night.
I will add the cruise compasses later when I get back home.
Pina Colada count: 6